The Utah Homeschooler magazine is the perfect opportunity for you to connect with your ideal market. Our magazine reaches a highly targeted audience of current and prospective homeschoolers throughout the state of Utah, a large percentage of whom receive between $1,700-$8,000 each school year from various funding programs to spend on educational products and services.

You're looking for homeschoolers and they're looking for you. Let us help your business be found!

Click here for a PDF of our media kit, and here for our advertising terms and conditions.


(Mid) March 2025


February 14, 2024



See what our readers are saying about The Utah Homeschooler.

Ad Sizes and Specifications

  • JPG, PNG, or PDF formats
  • at least 300 DPI
  • Colors in CMYK
  • Keep all wording at least 1/8" from edges (1/4" for full-page ads)

Discounts or coupons in ads must be valid for at least 45 days beyond the projected date of publication for each issue.

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Current Advertising Rates

Ad Size Price
Full Page $185
Half Page $110
Quarter Page $65
Eighth Page $42

Our rates reflect the growing value of reaching a targeted homeschooling audience. As our magazine expands, ad rates will increase accordingly, so take advantage of the current prices while they’re still available!

Need help designing a standout ad? Our team can create custom ads that capture attention and connect with our audience. Contact us for more details and a quote:


Is buying ad space in a new magazine worth it?

ABSOLUTELY YES! Here's why...

TARGETED MARKET: The Utah Homeschooler magazine reaches a highly targeted audience. Every single reader is a current or prospective homeschooler actively looking for the best products and services to educate their students. Currently, about 2/3 of our subscribers receive funding that must be spent on educational resources each year or it will be lost. In other words, every single reader is a potential customer, and many of them have money specifically designated to spend at businesses like yours.

GROWTH & REACH: Since our launch in July 2024, our reach has been expanding steadily. We are continually working to spread the word—distributing flyers and business cards at homeschool events, attending expos and conferences, and actively engaging on social media. We're also reaching out to public libraries throughout the state to explore having our magazine available for checkout, and working to partner with various distance learning programs to help provide more value to their home-educating families.

UNIQUE PLATFORM: As Utah’s only homeschool-focused publication, The Utah Homeschooler fills a unique niche, providing valuable support and inspiration for homeschooling families. In fact, this is the only magazine of its kind in the country, dedicated exclusively to the needs and experiences of homeschoolers. Our content resonates deeply with families seeking resources tailored specifically to their educational journey. Again and again, readers tell us how much they love this magazine and the many ways it supports and enhances their homeschooling experience.

BEYOND SUBSCRIBERS: In addition to reaching our print and digital subscribers, the magazine is freely accessible online, allowing anyone to view each issue. Word-of-mouth and social media sharing amplify our readership with every release, expanding our audience well beyond traditional subscribers.

LONG-LASTING VALUE: Every back issue of The Utah Homeschooler remains available online in our digital library, allowing current and future readers to continue to view them. This means that any ad you place today will remain visible for months—even years—into the future, continually providing value.

BEST TIME TO ADVERTISE: Our current rates offer a low-cost, low-risk opportunity to reach a dedicated audience. As our subscriber base grows, rates will increase, so secure your ad space now for the best value.