The Utah Homeschooler magazine is the perfect opportunity for you to connect with your ideal market. Our magazine reaches a highly targeted audience of current and prospective homeschoolers throughout the state of Utah, a large percentage of whom receive between $1,700-$8,000 each school year from various funding programs to spend on educational products and services.

You're looking for homeschoolers and they're looking for you. Let us help your business be found!

Click here for a PDF of our media kit, and here for our advertising terms and conditions.


(Mid) October 2024


September 4, 2024



Subscriber Demographics

Total Subscribers: 195

(as of August 20, 2024)

Subscribers by Funding

Receiving Funding: 66% (128)

Not Receiving Funding: 21% (34)

Subscribers by County

  • Box Elder: 3
  • Cache: 25
  • Davis: 13
  • Iron: 5
  • Salt Lake: 52
  • Sanpete: 1
  • Tooele: 5
  • Utah: 55
  • Washington: 4
  • Weber: 14

Subscribers by Student Age

  • Pre-School (> 5): 76
  • Elementary (ages 5-11): 126
  • Middle School (ages 11-14): 52
  • High School (ages 14-18): 36

*These numbers represent the minimums in each category. Some subscribers choose not to provide demographic information.

Ad Sizes and Specifications

  • JPG, PNG, or PDF formats
  • at least 300 DPI
  • Colors in CMYK
  • Keep all wording at least 1/8" from edges

Discounts or coupons in ads must be valid for at least 45 days beyond the projected date of publication for each issue.

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We know we are just getting established, so to minimize your risk, we have implemented a scaled pricing schedule that will adjust ad prices based on the number of subscribers.

Advertising Prices by Number of Subscribers

Ad Size < 500 500-999 1,000-1,999 2,000-2,999 3,000-3,999 4,000-4,999 5,000 +
Full Page $65 $110 $200 $330 $412 $495 $550
Half Page $35 $65 $115 $195 $244 $292 $325
Quarter Page $22 $35 $70 $105 $132 $160 $175
Eighth Page $10 $22 $40 $60 $75 $90 $100

**Ad prices will be based on the number of subscribers on the day you remit payment.**

Need help creating your ad?


Contact us for more details: or 435-632-7296

Is buying ad space in a new magazine worth it?

ABSOLUTELY YES! Here's why...

TARGETED MARKET: The Utah Homeschooler magazine reaches a highly targeted audience. Every single reader is a current or prospective homeschooler actively looking for the best products and services to educate their students. Currently, about 2/3 of our subscribers receive funding that must be spent on educational resources each year or it will be lost. In other words, every single reader is a potential customer, and many of them have money specifically designated to spend at businesses like yours.

GROWTH: Although we are a new magazine, we are steadily growing. We are constantly working to spread the word—distributing flyers and business cards at homeschool events, attending expos and conferences, and posting on social media as much as we can.

NOVELTY: The Utah Homeschooler magazine is a unique magzine—the first of its kind, unlike any other homeschooling magazine in the entire country (at least, as far as we can find—and we have looked, extensively!). The feedback we have received from parents and participants is overwhelmingly positive and anticipatory. They tell us again and again how this magazine is helping and supporting their homeschooling efforts.

NON-SUBSCRIBERS: We have based our ad prices on the number of subscribers we have, since that's the lowest number of people we can guarantee will receive The Utah Homeschooler Magazine. However, the actual number of people who will see our magazine (and therefore your ad) is far greater than the number of subscribers. Our magazine will be published digitally on our website, where it will be available for anyone to view and share. We plan to share and promote it heavily in every way we can. Additionally, both our subscribers and the families and students featured in it are already sharing it with their family and friends.

FUTURE VIEWS: Every back issue of The Utah Homeschooler remains online in our digital library where current and future subscribers can continue to view it. That means that your ad placed today will continue to be available for months and even years in the future.

LOWEST COST & LOWEST RISK: Our subscriber-based pricing means that buying ads now when our subscriber count is low lets your business or service be seen by our targeted and growing audience for the lowest possible price and at a very low risk to you.